Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice Service provides specialist care and vital support to children with life-limiting and life-threatening illnesses, and their families, across Berkshire and into surrounding counties. Having a child with a life-limiting or life-threatening condition has an impact on everything you do. That’s why they care for the child and the whole family with unique and completely free of charge clinical, emotional and practical support, both at their state of the art facility in Maidenhead and out in the community. As well as the clinical care, they open up opportunities for children and their siblings to experience fully accessible fun, joy and adventures, and help families make precious memories together, for as long as they have.
It costs over £3 million each year just to run their current level of care for more than 200 children and their families, and with 83% of their funding coming from donations, company support, gift in wills and events like Fi.Fest, they simply wouldn’t be here without the generosity of people like you. That’s why at Fi.Fest we are proud to support Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice as one of our chosen charities. Together we are making a vital difference to local children and families who rely on the hospices’ support. Find out more by visiting www.alexanderdevine.org